Sunday, October 5, 2014

Young Earth Creationism vs. Jesus Mythers

I've seen some Christians make the comment that being a Jesus-Myther is about as respectable as believing in Young Earth Creationism. I'm not a YEC, but I put together these two lists for fun recently.

Here's a selection of YEC Biologists, all of whom have doctoral degrees:

The recently deceased Norman Nevin, former emeritus professor of medical genetics at Queen's University in Belfast, author and co-author of 300 peer reviewed articles, former Head of the Northern Regional Genetics Service and president of president of the UK Clinical Genetics Society, awarded an OBE for Services to Gene Therapy Research.

Raymond Jones, Fellow of the Australian Institute of Agricultural Science, the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering, and the Tropical Grasslands Society of Australia. Author of approximately 140 research papers and recipient of the CSIRO Gold Medal for Research Excellence.

Ian MacReadie, Associate Professor at RMIT, former research scientist with the CSIRO for 24 years, Fellow of Australian Society for Microbiology, co-recipient of the 1997 CSIRO Chairman’s Medal and author of more than 70 peer-reviewed articles.

John Kramer, research scientist with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada from 1970 to 2010, author of 230 peer-reviewed articles, 25 chapters and 4 books.

Geoff Barnard, former Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Veterinary Science, University of Cambridge, author of 50 peer-reviewed research papers, nine chapters for science textbooks and holder of five patents.

Geoff Downes, Fellow of the International Academy of Wood Science, researcher for 20 years with the CSIRO, author of 75 peer-reviewed articles, co-recipient of the 2004 Josef Umdasch Research Prize for Forestry and Timber Science

John Sanford, former Professor of Horticultural Science at Cornell University, author of over 70 peer-reviewed papers, holder of 32 patents.

Alan Walker, former associate Professor at Ohio State University, authored or co-authored 28 Crop Science articles and cultivar registrations, one Phytopathology article, and one Canadian Journal of Crop Science article, and authored or co-authored three patents.

D.B. Gower, emeritus Professor of steroid biochemistry at the University of London, United Kingdom, fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and of the British Institute of Biology

Robert W. Hosken, author of more than 50 peer-reviewed papers and senior lecturer in food technology at the University of Newcastle.

Jeffrey Tomkins, former Associate Professor at Clemson University, head of the Clemson University Genomics Institute and author of 56 peer-reviewed papers and 6 book chapters.

Don Batten, former research scientist with the Queensland State Government for 30 years and author of 13 peer-reviewed articles.

Macei Giertich, Professor of Dendrology at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, member of the Forest Sciences Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

Angela Meyer, former research scientist at the Horticulture and Food Research Institute of New Zealand, recipient of the 1994 New Zealand Science and Technology Bronze Medal for excellence in kiwi fruit research and service to science.

Kevin Anderson, former Professor of Microbiology at Missisippi State University and author of 20 peer-reviewed articles.
Here's a list of the only Jesus Mythers with a doctoral degree in a relevant field:

Richard Carrier, who seems to have spent virtually his entire career and intellectual efforts thus far as an activist for atheism.

Robert M Price, whose publications seem to be largely to confined to popular magazines and a journal he co-founded.